Dr. Paige E. Roberts

My mission is to assist any individual in realizing, reaching or regaining their goals in sports and in life!

Hi, I’m Paige I’m a Colorado native living in Los Angeles. I have always loved competing and training for sports. I was a high school, collegiate athlete and still enjoy participating in extreme sports. I got into doing Performance Neuro Training eleven years ago when I lost a fellow athlete friend to the completion of suicide. I also had my own health challenges over the years with stress fractures and 3 significant concussions. My challenges led me to working with a sports psychology consultant and getting into biohacking for self-improvement. I’m a practice what you preach kind of person. I’m into all various types of healing like: yoga, Brainspotting, EFT Tapping, Matrix Reimprinting, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, massage, meditation, bio tuning fields, saunas, photobiomodulation, plant medicines.

I have a B.A. in Human Performance and Wellness with an Emphasis in Exercise Science. I have a Master of Social Work. I have a Doctor of Health Studies. I ran NCAA cross country at Colorado Mesa University during my undergraduate studies. I have over 19 years of experience in the sports and fitness industry as an athletic trainer in an intercollegiate athletic training room, an electrocardiograph technician and telemetry monitor at the Heart Center of the Rockies, as a personal trainer within multiple fitness clubs, and as a youth sports instructor, coach and now I work with athletes all over the world via telehealth-video conferencing.

I am a member of the Gamma Beta Phi National Collegiate Honor Society through the CSU Food Science and Nutrition Department and the CSU School of Social Work Phi Alpha Chapter: Theta Pi National Collegiate Honor Society. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of Colorado and a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in the State of Washington. I am a Certified Light Therapist through The Board of Advanced Natural Health Sciences (BANHS). My client success stories/case studies with Photobiomodulation-Light Therapy were featured in the book “Healing with Red Light Therapy” by Stephanie Hallett. I am a member of Brainspotting International, hold all four levels of certification in Brainspotting, Masters Certificate in Brainspotting and I’m a Certified Brainspotting Practitioner and Certifying Consultant. I am a Certified Brain Health Coach through Dr. Daniel Amen MD’s Brain Health Coach training program. I am a member of the Applied Association of Sports Psychology where she is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant Candidate. I am trained in Hypnotherapy, Neuro Lingustic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Reimprinting. In addition, Paige is a member of The American Academy of Neurology and an ambassador for the Concussion Legacy Foundation, and volunteers with the Sick Not Weak Initiative. I am trained in the NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) training as a Personal Trainer, Sports Performance Expansion Specialist, Cognitive Corrective Exercise Specialist, and training in Trigger Point and Self Myo-fascial Release Techniques. I have worked with multiple sports disciplines within multiple levels including National athletes NFL, USA teams, NHL, MLB, NCAA, high school. I have 2 programs within the Performance Neuro Training process my 12 hour programs Energy Optimization Program and Neural Frequency Enhancement. I have an integrative sports psychology theraputic technique called Alpha Imprinting I teach to other sports psycholgists and coaches.

“90% of sports performance is mental”

-Kay Porter PhD